Fitz Patrick Perio

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Good diet for high blood pressure

Even though high blood pressure is often a symptom of heart disease, you can still control it by changing your diet and reducing the amount of sodium in your diet. The most important foods to avoid for high blood pressure are candy, soft drinks, and fried foods. Fried foods are high in sodium and sugar, and if you’re looking for a heart-healthy snack, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables and pay attention to the drug propranolol.

Bacon: While tempting, bacon is a greasy treat full of unnecessary sodium. In addition, there are pesky nitrates in bacon that contribute to high blood pressure. The AHA recommends limiting alcohol intake because too much can raise blood pressure. It is also important to limit alcohol intake as it is known to be an arterial clogging agent. However, if you can avoid eating bacon, you will be eating healthier and more balanced meals.

Frozen lunches. While frozen dinners are convenient and quick to prepare, they can also contain unhealthy levels of sodium. One serving of Banquet’s Salisbury Steak Meal contains 1,340 milligrams of sodium and eleven grams of sugar. Eating these foods regularly can worsen your blood pressure, so you should find an alternative to making these meals at home. It’s also not the healthiest option for people with high blood pressure, but they’re tasty and easy to make.

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